Susan Lanzano has exhibited her art most recently at Stonecrop Gardens and the Hammond Museum. Her work has also been featured at the Gallery at Rockefeller State Park Preserve and numerous local libraries. “I love to use watercolors to capture the movement and spirit of botanical life… and it is my goal to bring others to that same intimate relationship with nature.”
Daryl Beyers is the author of “The New Gardener’s Handbook. For 30 years he works in residential garden design and development. He is a writer, photographer, and editor.
He spoke about soil as a dynamic, living organism, the relationship that exists between soil, water, and plants and how soil, organic matter, and microbiology relate to plant health and soil conservation.
Duncan Himmelman, Ph.D., received his doctorate at Cornell University and has more than 35 years of experience in practicing and teaching horticulture and landscape design. We learned about groundcover plants that grow well in our region and how to use them to suppress weeds by creating a carpet of "living mulch" in your yard.
Edwina von Gal, Founder of the Perfect Earth Project
is a landscape designer who has worked with numerous architects, designers and art world luminaries.. Her approach emphasizes sustainability, natural landscapes, and the use of native species. She emphasizes the need to keep away from ‘neat’ and let nature play a role in how we perceive, design, and maintain our landscapes?
Julie Sootin and Eva Thaddeus
are the owners of Wild Gardens Nursery and led us in a winter seeding workshop using seeds harvested from their nursery. They talkedabout seed stratification and seed dormancy and to work with Mother Nature.
Tim Tilghman has been Head Gardener at Untermyer Gardens in Yonkers, NY since 2011. He shared the ambitious restoration at the Garden from its inception in 1916 as one of the grandest private gardens in America to its decay in the 1970s, the Untermyer Gardens story is a tale of glory resurrected.
Dennis (DJ) Haverkamp
Sustainability is a term we hear often in our modern world. But what does it really mean to live “sustainably”? As gardeners, we care about the environment and the future of the planet. “As a local honey keeper, I believe there are many things we can learn from the honey bee about how to live in harmony with nature.”
Here is the link to his video presentation Who, What, Where and How of
Jan Johnsen is a landscape designer and author. She has been in the profession for forty-five years, is an award-winning instructor at the New York Botanical Garden and taught for several years at Columbia University.
Deb Taft is a founding member of Westchester Growers' Alliance . She completed an internship in beekeeping and biodynamics at The Pfeiffer Center in Rockland County, and does consultation, teaching, and beekeeping.
Mark and Carrie Greenwald are partners in the landscape design firm Maher and Greenwald. They showed us their amazing garden designs which combine hardscape and plants in the Garden.
Eddy Trotta is the owner of Trotta Foods in Thornwood, The Trottas produce homemade products such as sauces, soups, sausage, fresh mozzarella and many varieties of pasta. Eddy gave us a hands-on demonstration of how to make fresh mozzarella.
Charles Roberto can identify over 500 species of birds on sight and 100 by sound. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees of Teatown Lake Reservation in and worked with them to start the annual February Hudson River Eagle Fest held at Croton Point.
Incorporating Native Plants in Existing Landscapes
Speaker: Barbara Fischer - Barbara is a member of the Steering Committee for the Native Plant Center at WCC. She will give detailed information about what plants are native in our region. She is also co-founder of Go Native U which offers classes and a Certificate Program in Sustainable Gardening with Native Plants.
Jazzing Up the Garden with Color, Contrast and Movement
Presenter: Karen Bussolini
Karen Bussolini is a widely published garden photographer, speaker, writer, and eco-friendly garden coach. She is now the Senior Horticultural Advisor at White Flower Farm. Karen has been a gardener as long as she can remember. She trained as a painter and had a career as an architectural photographer before turning her attention entirely to gardens. Karen will talk about how to jazz up your garden by explaining how to use color, texture, light-reflecting qualities, repetition, color echoes and other qualities, beginning with simple combinations and then progressing to more complex schemes.
Carol Sommerfield is the founder and chair of the Ardsley Pollinator Pathway which she founded in 2021. Carol will discuss the successes and challenges she encountered during the past two years in developing the Ardsley Pollinator Pathway as she has tried to win hearts and minds. She will also advocate for a new aesthetic in our yards – one that celebrates biodiversity, promotes less lawn, supports all creatures, and rebuilds a healthy ecosystem – one yard at a time. Carol’s talk will provide inspiration for our club’s goal of growing Mt Pleasant’s pollinator pathway.